These tuna cutlets so crispy and delicious can be served as a side dish for lunch or dinner or enjoyed with tea as a evening snack.
These soft pumpkin scones with a golden spicy pumpkin glaze to enhance the pumpkin flavour were so good with a cup of tea.
We enjoyed these Apple Turnovers with tea and they were just amazing! I tried the recipe from "mud on her boots" for 'recipe nod' at the Food Bloggers Canada network.
Delicious salmon cutlets made with fresh salmon and parsley are a good evening time snack with tea at parties and small gatherings or events.
Nippattu (Crackers) as it is called is a popular Indian snack, very common in Bangalore bakeries and is traditionally a fried snack.
This Injoy Milk Tea recipe is very easy to prepare, delicious and most of all, you don't need a big amount of cash to start.
Tea is one of the best beverages to consume: regardless of the prevailing season, you can trust that it will be tasty, especially given that you can take it hot or as ice tea.
KOTHIMBIR VADI This is a tasty tea time snack from Maharashtra made of coriander leaves and besan.
MOONGPHALI KI CHUTNEY (PEANUT CHUTNEY) I associate tea time with a nice, hot cup of tea with a snack to go with it.
You don't need to be serving high tea to enjoy these gluten free English scones.
Easy and delicious egg puffs are popular tea-time snacks made with hard-boiled eggs and a spicy onion filling.
It is buttery, moist with few crumbs and great with tea or coffee.
It is a simple moist Lemon Blackberry Swirl Cake with lemon glaze.
Bubble tea is a fun refreshing drink and there are so many flavors to choose from.
This Eastern European favorite is perfect for the summer combining tea flavor with citrus and mint for a truly refreshing orange mint tea.