These quick and easy 30-minute soft pretzel bites and beer cheese dip make the perfect game day appetizer for a crowd.
French Ricotta Dip and Roast Peppers Crostini Appetizers - quick and easy to make, light, delicious tartine recipe for spring or summer entertaining!
The classic Basil Pesto Sauce combines fresh, young Genovese basil leaves with pine nuts, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and a touch of salt for an out of this world flavor! Pesto is an easy to make base for so many wonderful pasta meals, dips, dressings.
Eggplant hummus This luscious (but healthy) dip is great with pita chips or raw vegetables.
Pizza Romesco, a dip based on tomato, hazelnuts and "ñoras", in combination with spicy crispy spring onions and feta.
This traditional Hellenic meatball soup, called Giouvarlakia or Youvarlakia, is hearty and delicious.
Muhammara is a Middle Eastern roasted red pepper dip that is slightly smoky, savory, and packed with flavors.
If you are planning a party anytime soon, here are various dip recipes that can be prepared in a jiffy.
This versatile dip or spread gets its flavors from a Parsi chicken liver specialty 'Kaleji Aleti-Paleti', made with chopped chicken liver marinated in Indian spices, garlic and ginger.