Enchiladas is Mexican street food, and is simply corn tortillas dipped in chili sauce and eaten without fillings.
These fajitas quesadillas are quick and easy to make, loaded with delicious flavor, and ready to serve in under 30 minutes! It's the perfect weeknight dinner to make that will satisfy your family's Mexican-food cravings! Serve with a dollop of sour cream,.
Mexican Black Bean, Tomato and Corn Salsa - a wonderfully fresh and scrumptious mix of fresh flavors that can be served as a dip or in one-bite servings.
A superb orange and onion flavored salsa that is not only great with chips but awesome with tacos, fish and chicken.
El Mirza Ghasemi es un plato típico persa hecho con una base de berenjena, tomate, ajo y cúrcuma.
Maybe I should make a category of the disasters in my kitchen; that would be something ! The story started when I made a second pot of salsa to add chilis to si
Potato skins baked to crispy perfection topped with black bean salsa a match made in heaven