Healthier Steps

Healthier Steps2,427 recipes

Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes that Promotes Healthier Living Through Healthier Eating

Cooking recipes from "Healthier Steps" - page 115

Garden Egg - Healthier Steps

Garden Egg - Healthier Steps

Garden egg is scientifically called Solanum melongena, where it belongs to the Solanaceae or Nightshade Family.

Start A Vegan Diet - Healthier Steps

Start A Vegan Diet - Healthier Steps

There are still many people who are curious about how to Start A Vegan Diet, so I decided to write a post answering questions

Black Chayote - Healthier Steps

Black Chayote - Healthier Steps

Black chayote is a type of summer squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, also known as the gourd family.

Long Squash - Healthier Steps

Long Squash - Healthier Steps

Long squash is scientifically called Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl, did you know that the name ‘long squash’ is mostly used in Canada?

Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast - Healthier Steps

Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast - Healthier Steps

Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast is one of the ingredients that I was totally unaware of before entering the vegan world.

Organic Turmeric - Healthier Steps

Organic Turmeric - Healthier Steps

Organic Turmeric belongs to the Zingiberaceae family.

How to Make Oat Flour - Healthier Steps

How to Make Oat Flour - Healthier Steps

Oat flour is an increasingly popular ingredient in many households.

How To Make Almond Flour - Healthier Steps

How To Make Almond Flour - Healthier Steps

Almond flour has become a common substitute for wheat flour.

Brown Turkey Figs - Healthier Steps

Brown Turkey Figs - Healthier Steps

Brown Turkey figs (Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey') are sweet, tasty fruits with rusty red to the purplish outer surface and pink flesh.

Brown Rice Crackers - Healthier Steps

Brown Rice Crackers - Healthier Steps

My Brown Rice Crackers with flaxseed are easy to prepare, and they are gluten-free and vegan.

Coconut Jelly - Healthier Steps

Coconut Jelly - Healthier Steps

Soft or crunchy, smooth, sweet, and succulent.

African Bird Pepper - Healthier Steps

African Bird Pepper - Healthier Steps

The African bird pepper comes from the Solanaceae family, where its plant is a perennial which is a close relative to the cayenne pepper.

Arrowroot Flour Substitute - Healthier Steps

Arrowroot Flour Substitute - Healthier Steps

Arrowroot is a starch obtained traditionally from the rhizomes of numerous tropical plants.

How Many Slices In A Loaf Of Bread? - Healthier Steps

How Many Slices In A Loaf Of Bread? - Healthier Steps

You might be asking yourself this strange question that many people normally do not ask: How many slices in a loaf of bread?

Substitute for Cumin - Healthier Steps

Substitute for Cumin - Healthier Steps

It is good to know the substitute for cumin, when you find out you run out of it! That could be frustrating but don't worry we have a list.

Black Carrot - Healthier Steps

Black Carrot - Healthier Steps

A black carrot is one shading assortment of the carrot, logically known as Daucus carota subsp.

Ripe Pineapple - Healthier Steps

Ripe Pineapple - Healthier Steps

Ripe pineapple (scientifically called Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant that is said to be native to South America.

Yellow Passion Fruit - Healthier Steps

Yellow Passion Fruit - Healthier Steps

The yellow passion fruit is scientifically called Passiflora flavicarpa, which comes from the Passifloraceae family.

Substitute For Thyme - Healthier Steps

Substitute For Thyme - Healthier Steps

Learn the substitute for thyme that can save you time and stress when you are cooking.

Ground Cherries - Healthier Steps

Ground Cherries - Healthier Steps

Ground cherry is a fruit that resembles cape gooseberry, it is an American plant of the nightshade family.

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