Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
When we decided to move across the pond we sold our house and moved into a rental for a year to get organized.
The Bread Baking Babes are making Catalan Coca, similar to a flatbread pizza, this version has roasted red peppers.
Bread Baking Babes bake Pain au Levain, a sourdough bread flavored with citrus, fresh herbs and seeds
Bread Baking Babes griddle Singing Hinnies, a scone-like griddled biscuit that is easy and perfect for breakfast, coffee or tea
Bread Baking Babes Bake Breathtakingly Beautiful Boozy Bubbly Babas
Bread Baking Babes bake Tartine Polenta Bread for the New Year
The Bread Baking Babes bake Bulgarian Cheese Bread this month, also known as Tootmaniks Gotovo Testo.
Bread Baking Babes tackle Swiss Rye Rings this month - with great success.
Pumpkin Cornmeal Bread, a lovely, soft, moist bread that could be the perfect pull-apart rolls on your Thanksgiving of holiday table
Bread Baking Babes do Breakfast with easy, no knead, make ahead English Muffins
Shubbak el-Habayak, translated as The Lover's Window, is a fragrant, sweet bread from Iraq
Bread Baking Babes make Kare Pan or Japanese Curry Buns
Bread Baking Babes bake Lebanese Kaak, a Lebanese street bread shaped like a purse - great for on-the-go!
Bread Baking Babes Bake Velvety Bean Bread - great for sandwiches, toast or just eating!
It might not have been the intention to make holiday bread, but when it’s bright red, well….
Bread Baking Babes celebrate 9 years with Jachnun, baked for 12 hours and served with the spice Zhug