Beet kvass is deeply earthy, richly pigmented and an excellent tonic to promote good digestion and overall wellness.
If you are following my posts on a weekly basis, you probably remember my Beet-Red Bean Hummus recipe from last week.
Beet and Berry Sorbet - Beautiful red beets will intensify the color of this berry sorbet and add an earthy note to the sweet fruit.
This West Ukrainian version of lenten borscht, which is vegetable-based brothy soup with beets, slightly crunchy cabbage, mouthwatering garlic zing, and plenty of fresh dill has a neat secret trick to avoid potatoes being colored by beets.
Happy Easter Friends! Today I have a recipe I’ve been making on repeat for the last couple months, and one I’ve been meaning to share for weeks.
These savory feta & beet mini tarts are a healthy and tasty appetizer for any occasion! The recipe can also be made as one large tart.
This Festive Beet and Fruit Salad [vegan] is the perfect salad for festive occasions and small gatherings.
Variations of Borscht soup have originated in both Ukraine and Russia, the red coloring in the soup is made by incorporating beets, one of it’s