Have you ever had mochi? I had not tried it — or even heard of it — until a few years ago, when a friend broght Trader Joe’s mochi ice cream bites to a party we attended.
After I graduated from college and moved to South Carolina, my dinners generally came from a can, a box, the freezer, or a restaurant.
One of my many annoying food issues as a child was that I hated cereal.
The day before we were going to Hilary and Matt’s, I got a text message: Do you like broccoli? The answer, if you haven’t guessed, is yes.
A few months ago, my mother-in-law took a cooking class at the Cincinnati Women’s Club taught by a chef from a fancy Italian restaurant in town.
We’re more than halfway through October and it’s starting to feel a little more like fall… and that means it’s decorative gourd season (don’t click that link if the F-word bothers you) and it’s time for some pumpkin recipes up in here.
Since Melissa was visiting California for her birthday, I HAD to figure out the perfect birthday cake to make for her.
So, those cupcakes were really cute, but I gave them all away at work.