This weeks happy hour Wednesday features a Watermelon & Lime Margarita which is absolutely delicious and on the rocks.
Hey you guys!! I’m hitting you with this new cocktail recipe! It’s a great way to go into the weekend….
Pumpkin spice lattes have arrived at Starbucks, apple picking pictures are popping up all over Instagram, and temperatures here in Bahrain have dipped into the double digits (it was 95 today), which can only mean one thing: It’s fall! Let’s break out.
Since we were out of town for the Kentucky Derby, we decided to have a Preakness party (even though we are within driving distance of Baltimore, where the actual Preakness is run).
Jump to recipeGood Morning and Happy Thursday! I missed my Monday and Wednesday posting schedule due to a little sickness.
Happy Margarita Day!! I’ve been pretty busy with life but I couldn’t let this day go by without a new recipe.
Homemade marshmallows full of rainbow sprinkles and tinted green, perfect for St.