Hummus with sesame paste, or hummus bil tahini, is a delicious mezze from the Middle East region based on chickpeas and sesame paste.
You may have noticed I've been able to post a bit more frequently on here now, that can only mean one thing.
Learn how to make a delicious and easy low glycemic soybean and tofu hummus recipe with tahini.
Straightforward hummus recipe made with roasted red bell pepper and garlic.
The traditional Lebanese hummus recipe is smooth, creamy with a touch of lemon.
The I don't want to make lunch, lunch, comes together in less than 30 seconds and is totally D.
Too many sesame seed stashed or making hummus from scratch? Let's check this Tahini recipe that sneakily turns every dish the best!
Yemenite Skillet Breads and Black Bean Hummus Makes 8 breads.