Sharing a collection of recipes, some cooking tips and useful hints.
A Wonderful Dinner at Zazies In an earlier post I have described our brunch at Zazies , a French restaurant in the Cole Valley area of .
KOVAKKAI KOOTU Ivy Gourd, called Kovakkai in Tamil, is a commonly available vegetable in India.
PASI PARUPPU PAYASAM Happy New Year, dear readers! I am back after a break of about six weeks.
BREAKFAST BUFFET AT THE WOODROSE Situated in JP Nagar in South Bengaluru, The Melting Pot, the restaurant in The Woodrose Club managed b.
SOUTHEKAYI DOSA As is commonly known, in the South of India we make many types of dosas, which continue to be a popular item on the break.
THOGARI BELE CHUTNEY Chutneys are commonly made in South India as accompaniments of our popular breakfast items such as dosas, idlis etc.
MOONG DAL POHA DOSA For us in South India, dosa has long been a traditional favorite for breakfast.
AVAREKALU USLI This dish made with hyacinth beans (which are called "Avarekai" in Kannada) is popular in Karnataka especially during the .
TOMATO ONION CURRY The tomato has to be one of the most common yet popular vegetables.
MATAR MASALA Green Peas ("Matar" in Hindi) are available in plenty during the winter months.
BENDEKAYI GOJJU Lady's Fingers (as okra is commonly called in India) is a vegetable with many health benefits.
CAPSICUM CURRY A commonly available vegetable in India is the Capsicum, which is called Bellpepper in the United States.
NUGGE SOPPINA ROTTI When you speak of the local cuisine from my home State of Karnataka, a few dishes spring to mind.
DRUMSTICK MASALA With the advent of summer, a vegetable that becomes popular is drumsticks.
BROCCOLI BELL PEPPER STIR FRY Broccoli ( pronounced with the second "o" being silent) is a vegetable which belongs to the same family as .
BHENDA PUDDI SAGLE Lady's Fingers, known as Okra in the United States, is a very popular vegetable in India.
GARLICKY SPROUTED MOONG SPINACH SOUP When we were growing up in Inda, there used to a mistaken feeling that soups were only for patients.