Clinical Nutrition for Digestive Health + Endurance Performance
An incredibly tasty, a true comfort dish using seasonal and local fall and winter ingredients.
I have a weekly ritual of taking a walk around our neighborhood on Mondays, a day that’s typically reserved for no other activity – my rest day from running.
And a tip for taking care of digestion during the holidays and beyond Before I get to the recipe below, there’s one little nutrition tip I want to share today that just about every one of us …
I frequently share with nutrition clients about the connection between mental and physical health, particularly between the gut and brain, but also just a reminder that it’s all connected.
Lately, some of the most amazing salads have been shaping up in the kitchen.
There was a blur of commotion, stretching the last few weeks.
It was one of those days when I arrived home, had nothing planned for dinner, opened the fridge and proceeded to pull out everything edible.
We decorated her hair with kale and magnolia blossoms outside Shari’s restaurant on a lovely spring day, a group of barely teenage 4-H girls, excited to be traveling, and poking fun at a frie…
When W and I first became engaged, back in the winter of 2011, I was dreaming of an Autumn wedding.