Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking3,317 recipes

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Cooking recipes from "Thyme for Cooking" - page 112

Linguine with Tuna and Capers

Linguine with Tuna and Capers

This is not a typical tuna / pasta dish.

Bread Baking Babes go medieval

Bread Baking Babes go medieval

We may be into Facebook, Twitter and all thing modern…  But we take our bread seriously.

Season's Eatings - the goods are delivered

Season's Eatings - the goods are delivered

Season's Eatings! We did it again.

Bread Baking Babes join me in Italy... Stromboli!

Bread Baking Babes join me in Italy... Stromboli!

Elle, of Feeding my Enthusiasms, was the host kitchen for May.

Creamed Savoy Cabbage; French spell check; Weekly Menu

Creamed Savoy Cabbage; French spell check; Weekly Menu

Spell check: friend or foe? I maintain that, whilst I spell excellently, I can't type for shit.

Endive: braised, salad, gratin and more

Endive: braised, salad, gratin and more

Endive, aka Belgian Endive, is a member of the chicory family, along with radicchio and escarole.

A farewell to Emma

A farewell to Emma

Last week she was chasing bunnies.

Pimientos Stuffed with Ham and Chevre; the update

Pimientos Stuffed with Ham and Chevre; the update

Life goes on – and so does the work.

Bean and Barley Soup; the update

Bean and Barley Soup; the update

Despite the complaints about all the irregular cuts he has to make, work on the ceiling continues.

Red-Cooked Salmon with Peanut Sauce

Red-Cooked Salmon with Peanut Sauce

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.

Barley with Sausage and Savoy Cabbage; the update

Barley with Sausage and Savoy Cabbage; the update

Every Sunday I haul myself up the treacherous barn stairs to do the weekly photos – and check-up on mon mari’s work.

Slow-Roasted Moroccan Leg of Lamb; Spices, 101

Slow-Roasted Moroccan Leg of Lamb; Spices, 101

Herbs and spices, part II and Slow Roasted Leg of Lamb

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