Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking3,317 recipes

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Cooking recipes from "Thyme for Cooking" - page 110

Bread Baking Babes are on a Roll

Bread Baking Babes are on a Roll

Vienna Bread and Kaiser Rolls, to be more specific.

Stuffed Peppers, Med-style

Stuffed Peppers, Med-style

One of the things I love most about France, and have the hardest time truly grasping, is the French ability to slow down and enjoy life.

A wee bit about Dairy

A wee bit about Dairy

One of the long-standing myths about life in Europe is that we suffer the lack of sour cream.

Seafood Newburg in Puff Pastry Shells; Bramble ramble

Seafood Newburg in Puff Pastry Shells; Bramble ramble

Seafood Newburg in Puff Pastry Shells

Warm Mediterranean Chicken Salad on Spinach; Spring

Warm Mediterranean Chicken Salad on Spinach; Spring

Spring can be both a frustrating and a fun time in the kitchen.

Pizza Quiche; buying tires can be tricky

Pizza Quiche; buying tires can be tricky

We're driving to Italy in May for a family reunion.

Giant Stuffed Burger; Barbecue Grills, Smokers and summer cooking 101

Giant Stuffed Burger; Barbecue Grills, Smokers and summer cooking 101

Since summer will soon be here I thought a post on grilling and smoking would be in order….

Bread Baking Babes defy Vlad with Garlic-y Bread

Bread Baking Babes defy Vlad with Garlic-y Bread

We could have used this bread when we were living in Vlad's house.

Crisp, Breaded Scallops with Tarragon Tarter Sauce; the update

Crisp, Breaded Scallops with Tarragon Tarter Sauce; the update

Mon mari has turned his attention to the details….

Asparagus and Egg Salad with Chorizo; diet food

Asparagus and Egg Salad with Chorizo; diet food

I figured out why I've been in 'cooking limbo' lately.

Turkey Broccoli Stir Fry; Happy Earth Day

Turkey Broccoli Stir Fry; Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! The theme for this year is 'A Billion Acts of Green'.

Easter Menu

Easter Menu

I haven't been tagged in a meme for ages – and how could I resist playing when the purpose is to create and Easter Menu.

Cumin-Scented Grilled Chicken; Weekly Menu

Cumin-Scented Grilled Chicken; Weekly Menu

A few weeks ago I got a free mobile phone – a fancy new smart phone.

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