Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
‘White chocolate is what’s left after you take the chocolate out of chocolate.
I'm a baking Bread Baking Babe this month! First – I had / could get all the ingredients.
Driving in a foreign country can be a puzzling challenge when you’re visiting.
You may have liked Kermit the Frog, or Miss Piggy, but the only Muppet that ever interested me was Cookie Monster.
Guest Post from TikiPundit.
There are over 40 different types of dry-cured ham in the display case at my supermarket: Prosciutto from Italy, Serrano from Spain, Westphalian from Germany, Bayonne from France and a few dozen more better and lesser known varieties from all over Europe.
Merry Christmas Everyone! Happy Holidays Healthy Solstice Bonne Fêtes Bon Nadal Joyeux Noël Feliz Navidad Nollaig.
Spicy Sweet Potatoes and Maple Glazed Sweet Potatoes
There has been a request to show our entire house so some one can get a better idea of what we are doing.
Who got new toys for Christmas? That many….
As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part VII, The End….
As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part VI August 2, 2006 We have our 'Titre de Sejour', our permission to.
As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part IV April 10, 2006 Back to the Carte de Sejour: We now have the coveted.