Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking3,317 recipes

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Cooking recipes from "Thyme for Cooking" - page 114

Risotto with Chicken Livers, Madeira and Sage; no update

Risotto with Chicken Livers, Madeira and Sage; no update

Risotto with Chicken Livers, Madeira and Sage

Tagine of Lamb, Chickpeas and Potatoes; the frozen food store

Tagine of Lamb, Chickpeas and Potatoes; the frozen food store

Carl Sagan once said: “If you want to make an apple pie from scratch you must first create the universe.

Rice Florentine; Season's Eatings; Weekly Menu

Rice Florentine; Season's Eatings; Weekly Menu

It’s that time of year again….

Potatoes, Sarlat-style; the good fat

Potatoes, Sarlat-style; the good fat

Back in the beginning of time, I was eating the absolutely fabulous, outrageously expensive Jamón Ibérico de Bellota in a restaurant in Spain, carefully trimming the fat as was my habit at the time.

Braised Venison with Shallots and Mushrooms; the update

Braised Venison with Shallots and Mushrooms; the update

Venison Braised in Red Wine with Shallots and Mushrooms

Beef and Root Vegetable Stew; Do you write in cookbooks?

Beef and Root Vegetable Stew; Do you write in cookbooks?

Those of you who have been meditating in a Tibetan monastery may have missed the fact that I recently had a recipe published in the Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook.

Pork Amandine; Never piss off a chef

Pork Amandine; Never piss off a chef

Did I ever tell you about the time I was chased out of a restaurant by a really pissed off Chinese chef brandishing his favorite, very large, very sharp, cleaver? I ran across this post when I was reorganizing the Recipe Index… Thought I'd share again….

Calcium: skip the pills, get it through your food

Calcium: skip the pills, get it through your food

How do you get your calcium? At my last annual exam my doctor asked if I ate cheese and yogurt every day.

Scallop and Saffron Risotto

Scallop and Saffron Risotto

It has been a week of French challenges.

Pommes Anna: 3 versions; Menu of the Week

Pommes Anna: 3 versions; Menu of the Week

The Holidays are almost upon.

Mousseline au Gratin; How many have you read?

Mousseline au Gratin; How many have you read?

The BBC apparently believes most people will have only read 6 of the 100 books.

Potato Soup; Milk - good or bad?

Potato Soup; Milk - good or bad?

Is cow's milk (or sheep or goat or horse or yak) good for humans or bad for humans? Should adult humans consume milk products or avoid them like the plague? Simple questions that, as best I can tell, have no clear answer.

Bread Baking Babes make Cornucopias

Bread Baking Babes make Cornucopias

I love it when the breads all look so different….

Fresh Spinach and Ricotta Gratin; the update

Fresh Spinach and Ricotta Gratin; the update

I’m pleased to report there has been visible progress made in the last week.

Pulled Pork Pasta Sauce; Random Ramblings

Pulled Pork Pasta Sauce; Random Ramblings

I get three American magazines delivered to me here in France.

Chestnut Soup; The Cleaner; the Weekly Menu

Chestnut Soup; The Cleaner; the Weekly Menu

Last week I confessed to the fact that I loath cleaning.

Gnocchi with Chorizo and Capers; Decorating for Christmas

Gnocchi with Chorizo and Capers; Decorating for Christmas

On Sunday I was going to do a post about chocolate….

Mushroom Risotto; a modest rant on recipes

Mushroom Risotto; a modest rant on recipes

    Warning: strong opinions to follow.

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