Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Do you eat asparagus with your fingers? Or with a knife and fork? One properly eats it with one's fingers, according to the etiquette guidelines.
Since our Sedi, the little German Shepherd, had her stroke last month her hearing is, shall we say, not what it should be.
To everyone participating in this year's Season's Eatings gift exchange: The emails have all been sent; you should have your name and all the details ;-)).
We finally got off our bottoms and decided it was time to get back to our French lessons.
Bah Humbug!!!! I got an email from Williams Sonoma a few weeks ago, advertising the filled, hard, Christmas candy that my mother loves.
Sedi, our little German Shepherd suffers from occasional (daily) incontinence.
And they said it couldn't be done! Monday, when it was finally….
I was beginning to think my poor little host kitchen was not going to tempt any Bread Baking Buddies to try the Viennese Striesel….
To keep you entertained whilst I’m in the mountains… Here’s one from the archives: Fox Hunting is no longer legal in Britain.
I love new toys! I decided I wanted to get these rings for making fancy stacks and gratins and things….