Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
The continuing Saga of Sedi, the (former) Bunny Slayer Sedi, the German Shepherd, jumped out of the car on the way to the mountains.
Living in the mountains, as he does, our friend has the exact opposite method of cooking of mine.
Did I mention that it's cold here? Restoring an old French farmhouse, and living in it whilst we do it, has given me a new appreciation for how very hard life used to be, for everyone, but in particular those living off the land.
Bemoaning the lack of escalator etiquette….
Why do we always think we have to improve everything? Why do we feel the need to tinker? Why do we not just accept that some things are at their best just as they are.
My mother had zero tolerance for picky eaters.
Valentine's Day A day for lovers, candles, roses and chocolates.
We decided to move to Andorra while we were living in Ireland.
Wanna come up to my place and look at my floor? Yes, he’s still working on that boring old floor….
Salmon, Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Asparagus Pasta
I have always used a lot of herbs…much to the dismay of my mother and most of my family.
Did I mention that I broke a tooth in Paris? Did I mention that I am terrified of dental work? Did I mention that my absolutely worst nightmares involve breaking teeth? I have memories of going to the dentist as a child, en famille, and sitting in the.
Once in a blue moon the travel gods smile down and we stumble into fairyland for a brief moment.