Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Cannellini and Pasta Soup Like any country that suddenly finds itself prosperous, Andorra imported workers.
One of the things that has changed for me since leaving the U.
Composed Salad Between driving to and from the hospital, mowing the lawn and walking the dogs my brain has had rather a lot of downtime lately.
Burgers and Beans Another example of two people talking about different things together: Do you walk to school or carry your lunch? Mon mari was discharged from the hospital on Saturday morning.
Looking at houses has caused this brief meander down D.
We’re off house hunting again, 3 days this time.
When we first moved across the pond I used to have people ask me, worriedly, if I was able to get sour cream….
Pasta with Fresh Avocado Sauce We need to adjust our marriage.
Picnic Pasta Salad When one studies a language in school or a class, one studies it as it should be….
Brined and Grilled Cornish Hens I’ve had a crazy, busy week: my s-i-l flew over last Friday to help us pack….
Polenta Salad - think Italian bread salad but with cubes of crisply, fried polenta
Barley with Chives Why do I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff? I've been cleaning my office; attempting to downsize (I rather hate that word, but it's useful).
Zucchini, Tomato and Mozzarella Stacks Summer has arrived, finally, here in the Vendée.
What would you like? Soup? Salad? Hot? Cold? You'll find it here.