Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking3,317 recipes

Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es

Cooking recipes from "Thyme for Cooking" - page 96

Stir-Fried Moroccan Chicken

Stir-Fried Moroccan Chicken

Stir-fries don’t have to have soy sauce or sesame oil or sherry.

Salmon, Cauliflower and Quinoa Gratin; processed food

Salmon, Cauliflower and Quinoa Gratin; processed food

Salmon, Cauliflower and Quinoa Gratin

Endive with Prosciutto and Gruyère

Endive with Prosciutto and Gruyère

This time of year the markets are full of endive.

Chicken and Spinach Lasagne

Chicken and Spinach Lasagne

Do you use a Béchamel sauce when you make lasagne? Back in my younger days, when I lived in the US, I made lasagne with ground beef, cottage cheese and tomato sauce.

Mushrooms Stuffed with Mascarpone and Bacon, my cookbooks

Mushrooms Stuffed with Mascarpone and Bacon, my cookbooks

When one has one’s own garden one can grow a variety of interesting produce.

Drowned Veal

Drowned Veal

I love the names of traditional Italian dishes.

Sausage, Pepper and Fennel Risotto

Sausage, Pepper and Fennel Risotto

I don’t use fennel as often as I should.

Chicken-Baked Pork Chops; the update

Chicken-Baked Pork Chops; the update

What can I say – I took the wrong package out of the freezer.

Moroccan Turkey Stir-Fry on Barley; Social Media

Moroccan Turkey Stir-Fry on Barley; Social Media

I’m getting tired of winter cooking.

Fried Rice with Savoy Cabbage; the update

Fried Rice with Savoy Cabbage; the update

Savoy or green cabbage is leafier than the traditional white cabbage.

Gâteau à la Crème; Bread Baking Babes are sweet this month

Gâteau à la Crème; Bread Baking Babes are sweet this month

The Bread Baking Babes are dabbling, ever so slightly, outside the box.

Stir Fried Chicken with Mushrooms and Snow Peas

Stir Fried Chicken with Mushrooms and Snow Peas

Today we had sunshine, rain, sleet, hail and high winds….

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