Before I get into the story of this chili, you need to know two things: 1.
When I started thinking about our Super Bowl party, I immediately decided I wanted to make pulled pork and chili.
Toby doesn’t cook much, but he does make chili.
I know you weren’t thinking a milkshake was the only thing I made Toby for his birthday.
Are you ready for the Super Bowl? This will be the first time in several years that I won’t be around for Super Bowl, which is very strange for me… and possibly even stranger for Toby.
After I graduated from college and moved to South Carolina, my dinners generally came from a can, a box, the freezer, or a restaurant.
While I don’t think there’s every been a time in my life that I didn’t like chili dogs, I’ve never beeen big on eating just chili.
This is a meatless alternative to the popular Vietnamese street food, Bánh Tráng Nướng.
Years ago I had a dish like the above photo at a restaurant and fell in love! I could taste mayo, and sweetness, and some kind of chilis, but I couldn't figure out how to duplicate it.
This is one of my family's favorite chilly-weather recipes and it's so easy to prepare.
This year I'm trying to start the New Year off on the best foot that I can, and that means eating better.
Mediterranean style healthy chili with ground turkey, beans and a homemade chili seasoning.
Instant Pot Duck Ale Chili People ask me a lot of questions.
20 minute dinner: Chili Beer Chicken Tacos with Pineapple Salsa Stocking a beer tub for a summer party is as important as planning the food.
On a tall shelf in my kitchen sits my grandmothers copy of The Joy of Cooking.
Sriracha Bloody Beer with Chili Sugar Bacon
White Bean Turkey Beer Chili (for Thanksgiving leftovers) Please excuse the interruption from your otherwise lovely Holiday weekend while I boss you around.