The tangy sweet pineapple flavour enveloped by the almost negligible tartness of the blueberries blended in quietly with the sweetness of the coconut milk and this spoonful of delight just melted in my mouth.
This is a dainty, flavourful, succulent and tasty rice ravioli pasta dish cooked in a coconut milk sauce.
I got tired of eating oats with milk and sugar, so tried this indianized oats recipe which my mom used to make, gave a twist to it and enjoyed it so much! I added my own home made yoghurt (which had turned a little sour) along with fresh curry leaves.
Festive, Indian festival recipe, sweet, rice flour
This Injoy Milk Tea recipe is very easy to prepare, delicious and most of all, you don't need a big amount of cash to start.
This Injoy Milk Shake recipe is very easy to prepare, delicious and most of all, you don't need a big amount of cash to start.
A lot of people are talking about this new and trending cake.
You definitely have tasted this before but you just don't have much idea on how to prepare it.
Your kids love fried chicken wings and they love potato chips too.
Here's one delicious and healthy recipe you can try at home.
You can prepare a mouthwatering dish out of kangkong.
You need to prepare some fast chicken dish? Try this Binagoongang Manok sa Gata recipe.