a journal of food & stillness
There was a time when I start to daydreaming about food early in the morning, this not like my usual cravings day when I just cravings for some chocolate or a scoop of ice cream.
Although watermelon is an annual plant but their green skin and deep red flesh really give a hint of summer.
This morning I was fueled with hot chocolate infused with dried lavender.
“I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the package.
The rainy season has come and there’s no better way to spend an afternoon with a cup of hot tea and delicious snack.
Almost everyone who knows me knows that the food is my passion.
Cireng (short for aci goreng or fried tapioca) is a snack from West Java that is made from tapioca starch mixture.
Torch Ginger, Kecombrang, Honje, Wild Ginger, Bunga Kantan, Wild Ginger…whatever the name, this exotic flower is another valuable ingredient in Indonesian kitchen.
Nothing relieves a weary soul more than a good bowl of soupy noodles.
“Being a woman is a fate Sabina did not choose.
A few years ago back in my hometown in South Sulawesi, I discovered about Sanggara Janda, a twice-fried plantain.
It’s not a typical Saturday… I remember Jakarta is still quiet that day.
Although Indonesia is the 3rd largest cacao producer in the world.
I believe the universe is supporting me! I had great fun yesterday catching up with JP, he’s an old friend of mine.
A new Indonesian restaurant focused on Javanese food just opened in Menteng area.
Glutinous rice or also known as a sticky rice is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast or East Asia.
What you usually do when you feel sad, angry or just bored? I guess most people would do sleeping, eating or even shopping.
Indonesia is a vast archipelago country with a great cultural diversity, each region is a home to a distinctive cuisine.