Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
A delicious, tasty soup that is easy to prepare.
Empanadas are delicious as a snack, starter or main course.
A healthy and tasty meal, especially during hot days when you want to eat something refreshing
A great way to prepare these two ingredients in a tasteful and unique way.
A versatile dish, packed with nutrients that you can adapt to your own taste.
Orzo pasta salad is a delicious and fresh dish that is perfect for sunny days or as a side dish for a summer barbecue.
Anchovy is a small saltwater fish belonging to the herring family.
Apricot and peach in combination with tomato and Mozzarella, serve cool and you have a fantastic fresh summer salad.
A pasta salad that you can easily prepare in advance and can be eaten perfectly for lunch or at a BBQ.
Octopus salad, wonderfully summery and especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine.
Risotto, creamy and nicely seasoned, a delicious dish according to a simple recipe
We absolutely love tartar! You can also vary endlessly with fruit, vegetables, fish or meat.
Beetroot is a versatile vegetable packed with nutrients and health benefits.
Delicious and easy to prepare potato skewers, ideal for the BBQ or your garden party!
Chickpeas with spinach, a traditional dish from the Spanish kitchen that is very nutritious, tasty and also easy to prepare.
The tastiest and simplest recipe of fine pea soup with crispy snow peas
Pasta shells filled with tuna, corn and mascarpone in a spicy tomato sauce with pointed pepper.