Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
The only good thing about a bad week is it’s fodder for blog posts….
I’ve been ‘snowed in’ when I lived in Wisconsin – 24 inches (60cm) of fine, blowing snow followed by temperatures far below zero.
There was a time when I was a two-rice cook: Arborio for risotto and Minute Rice for everything else.
The census-taker came to our house today.
Good Guapa When Guapa went on her big dog walk 2 weeks ago, she was pretty well-behaved.
I'm trying to tidy my desktops – both the one that sits on my computer and the one that my computer sits on.
This is what the top of the stairs looked like before I left.
Spinach and cannellini (white kidney beans) are one of our favorite salad combinations.