Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
When I see people with monster zucchini in their gardens I assume they have been on vacation and forgot to ask the neighbors to tend the plants.
This time of year, with the potager in transition, we have a lot of combination dishes.
Deconstructed Turkey Rolls I don’t like that term….
Sometimes, we I can spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to make this vegetable or that green shine.
One problem those of us with a potager have is an abundance of vegetables.
This has been one of my favorite summer pasta dishes for as long as I've been growing tomatoes.
We have an on-going discussion during the summer, regarding 'throwing a few shrimp on the barbie'.
The annual birthday dinner! Sometimes we go out for dinner to celebrate our birthday, sometimes out to lunch, sometimes on a weekend getaway….
If you pay any attention at all to cooking shows, food blogs, Twitter or Facebook you know that there are people in the world that are, shall we say, somewhat fanatical about bacon.
Way back in the begiining of time, every summer, a co-worker would bring zucchini bread to the office.
When I first started making this I used regular, baked ham, ground, in equal amounts to the beef.
We take a momentary break from the zucchini posts – as the zucchini is taking a momentary break from producing.