I thought it's right to start the Valentine morning with recipes that are simple and sensual.
Greece is known for its tasty vegetables and beetroots are no exception.
I had an instance last weekend that after some consideration, seemed like a metaphor for life right now.
Russian Beet Salad In an effort to clean up my draft posts, the next series of recipes I will be posting are recipes that I have made, took pictures of
Oatmeal and Porridge Apples & Spice Oatmeal Butternut and Buckwheat Porridge from Living Ayurveda Summer Peach Oatmeal Golden Spice, Pear + Tahini Oatmeal Sweet Beet + Elderberry Oatmeal Christ…
Boost your energy and immune system with this power packed smoothie that you won't even realize is so healthy.
A blog about Indian and International cuisine, with simple steps and catchy pictures.