I’ve been giving a lot of thought to food as an end, and food as a means… Of course, we are looking for strategies to get our kids to eat and to eat well, have a diversified diet and an open-mind about new foods.
Can You Eat Dandelions? Dandelions can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in a variety of dishes.
Well, the diet has been going pretty well, although the exercise portion has been a challenge.
Did you run out of breadcrumbs? We listed 30 substitutes for breadcrumbs, several of which would also fit within a gluten-free diet.
It is a vegan grocery list for beginners with all the useful and essential plant-based ingredients and tips to start a vegan diet right now.
We collected a list of 90+ gluten-free flours, starches, nut meals and powders that you can use for cooking and baking in a gluten-free diet.
My family is crazy about cranberries and I couldn't be happier to mix them into our favorite recipes.
Are you a resolution maker? I think that a lot of people fail at their resolutions because they make them too hard to achieve.
I've dieted on and off throughout the past 15 years, and I've found that "diets" that provide portion-and calorie-controlled meals are the simplest to follow, the easiest to stick to, and the most effective in the long run.