When the temperatures turn cooler my thoughts turn to stuffing vegetables.
Okay, here's a photo of mon mari's clean and tidy barn.
I have in my hand a warm slice of country-style bread (whole grain) slathered in melting butter and a thick layer of Nutella.
Our house painter has gone back across the pond, the job finished.
Last week, during our cool, rainy spell, I was in search of winter comfort food.
One of the things I love most about France, and have the hardest time truly grasping, is the French ability to slow down and enjoy life.
Since summer will soon be here I thought a post on grilling and smoking would be in order….
Elle, of Feeding my Enthusiasms, was the host kitchen for May.
It was a busy week, as they all are, but with a bit more variety (and tragedy).
I have to admit, much as I may grumble about getting up in the middle of the night to throw another log on the fire, having a wood stove for heat is simple.
As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part IV April 10, 2006 Back to the Carte de Sejour: We now have the coveted.
We lived in Andorra for 7 years before moving to France.
The bathroom that seemed so spacious just a few short weeks ago is suddenly rather crowded.