Sharing a collection of recipes, some cooking tips and useful hints.
PHOVA USLI We make use of Beaten Rice ( Poha in Hindi, Avalakki in Kannada and Phovu in my mother tongue, Konkani ) in different forms in .
KELE PHODI (RAW BANANA SHALLOW FRY) In my house, I make it a point to use raw/green/unripe bananas regularly in my cooking.
GOAN PRAWN CURRY Given the choice, my husband and I prefer prawns to other forms of seafood.
MUSHROOM KURMA There was a time years ago when mushrooms were considered seasonal in India.
DAVANGERE BENNE DOSA It is interesting that some of the famous delicacies from Karnataka have names of places as their prefix.
KELE UPKARI (RAW BANANA STIR FRY) In my house, I make it a point to make dishes using raw/green bananas from time to time.
SWEET POTATO ROAST Sweet Potatoes are known as Shakarkhand in Hindi, Sihi Genasu in Kannada, Sakkarvalli Kilangu in Tamil, and Kannang in m.
VAALI BIKKANDA SASAM ( Malabar Spinach & Jackfruit Seeds Curry ) Today's recipe is for an old favourite from our Konkani GSB cuisine called.
THONDEKAYI (IVY GOURD) PALYA One of the veggies that is often used in my house is Ivy Gourd.
ASH GOURD CURRY Ash Gourd, also known as White Pumpkin or Winter Melon is commonly available in India.
PHAGILA KISMURI ( TEASEL GOURD MASALA) There are some veggies that make an appearance only during some seasons.
AVALAKKI AKKI ROTTI Today's recipe is for a dish from my Home State of Karnataka.
PHAGILA SUKKE Teasel Gourd/Spiny Gourd/ Kantola is a relatively rare vegetable that we get only in the monsoon months of July-August.
PUFFED RICE DOSA Visitors to India are truly awestruck by the amazing varieties we have in the dosas we make for our daily breakfast.
BAJJILE PHOVU OR ROASTED BEATEN RICE From the days of our childhood, we are used to having what in India is termed " an evening snack".
MIXED VEGETABLE SUKKE Often in our homes we are left with small quantities of different vegetables.
MASALA BRINJAL I must start by saying that in India eggplants or aubergines are more commonly known as brinjals.
DAHIWALE ALOO Potatoes are amongst the most popular ingredients in our Indian cooking.
TOMATO OMELETTE As we all know Omelettes (we still spell it the old British English way) or Omelets ( as now increasingly spelt the US way).