Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Go directly to recipe It's Weekend Herb Blogging time and my herb/vegetable of the week is Green Garlic.
Shortly after moving to Andorra I learned the difference between a walk and a proper walk.
Pre-Script: We just watched the movie "Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" If you haven't read the books, don't bother with the movie – you won't get it.
I was complaining about the continuing abundance of my garden yesterday when I was talking to my mother.
The zucchini (courgette) have finally slowed down (and a lot more have gone on the compost pile) and the green beans are tapering off.
Important lesson: always wash the basil before using….
La Vendange has started! We don't really have that many vines; It just seems like it.
As I was picking the grapes, in the lovely autumn sunshine, I was thinking about all of the scrubbing, washing and sterilizing we did to get ready.
There is often a question asked of celebrity chefs "What 3 people would you like to have to dinner?" If I could conjure 2 people to come and take over my kitchen it would be the 'Two Fat Ladies'.
Go directly to recipe One really would think that I would have done this eons ago (considering the size of my herb garden) but this is my first time participating in Weekend Herb Blogging.
Julia Child once said that the world could be divided into eaters (Those who truly love food: start to think about dinner as they put the fork down for the final time at lunch; relish every morsel; embrace new flavors; search out interesting, untried.
We were about 5 minutes into our trip to Paris when I realized that I had forgotten my trusty French Road Atlas.
Today's Weekend Herb Blogging is being hosted by 28 cooks (check out her pickled garlic recipe – yum!) I case you haven't figured it out, I have a rather large herb garden – thus the photos on my banner: my herb garden.
It's Weekend Herb Blogging again! This week's host is Meeta at What's for Lunch, Honey? Her 'Fried Fish Provencal Style looks absolutely wonderful….