Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
I cooked the beans in the Instant Pot but instructions are also given for the traditional stove-top method, which requires soaking the beans first.
Simple grilled chicken breasts, marinated, then served with a slightly hot mustard sauce.
For some reason, mon mari is less than enthusiastic about me playing with his toys using his tools than one could expect, given the circumstances.
Lemon Chicken Salad, Nutrition info: yay or nay - new service by Edamam, should I or shouldn't I
This is an easy main course salad with Grilled Chicken Breasts and Stir-Fried Veggies.
You reek! Other people might have greeted us with the more common “Hi”, “Hello” or even a formal “Good Morning”.
Grilled Scallops with Caper Remoulade makes an easy 'Friday Fish and one that everyone will love.
Since mon mari was lazing about the hospital last week (he came home today) there is no progress to report on the house restoration.
It's salad season: Spinach Salad with Sausages, Peppers and Feta.
This is good served warm, room temp or right from the fridge, making it a great salad for picnics.
Did I mention on Saturday how pleasant it was to have it raining? Did I mention that we needed the rain? Did I mention that a rainy day prevented me from doing all the outside chores and allowed me to catch up on the inside chores? Do you all know what.
Easy Cabbage Salad with Yogurt Dressing plus a few more favorite summer salads