Spicy tomato sauce coating poached eggs is a wonderful, warming vegetarian dish for anytime.
Poaching is a cooking method where you cover your food in moderately hot liquid (160–180 °F).
An Italian dish consisting of whitefish poached in a light broth with tomatoes, garlic, and onion.
Try them in unexpected ways such as topping a pizza along with goat cheese or poached in red wine.
After experimenting with around a half dozen different tips on making "the perfect" poached egg, I created an approach that consistently works for me, and isn't difficult.
Spinat-Brot mit Schinken und pochiertem Ei ist ein gesundes, schnelles Frühstück, das einem lange satt hält.
This lovely poached salmon with pesto rosso mayonnaise needs to be made ahead and is served cold - perfect for hot weather.
It’s just been one of those days… We we turned our clocks back last night, it’s dark at 6pm… So….