These Mexican cocktail nachos are great if you are having a Mexican main course and they also make a crunchy tasty snack at a cocktail party.
Mexican rice is a complete meal on its own with the goodness of vegetables,and rice all cooked in one single pot with Mexican spices.
This easy Mexican cauli rice delivers authentic south of the border flavors.
Discover more about famous Mexican soup recipes including how to make menudo and also a yummy, easy chicken tortilla soup in the crockpot.
This fruity little Mexican Orange Salad number will definitely get the juices flowing.
These Mexican casseroles are all delicious, no-fuss recipes that are perfect for feeding the whole family! These family-favorite meals are great for weeknight dinners, potlucks, or hosting friends! No matter which one you make, they are all fiesta-worthy!
Add a south of the border touch to the classic crack slaw recipe and enjoy this wonderful Mexican crack slaw.
Quick & Easy Mexican Almond Horchata - a delicious, quick and easy to make drink, that's perfect for fall entertaining and Mexican parties!
Mexican Red Rice (Arroz Rojo) is a delicious and easy-to-make side dish featuring fluffy long-grain rice simmered in a tomato and Mexican spice blend.
This Mexican-style rice is super easy to prepare with just a few simple ingredients.
Quick & Easy Mexican Tortilla Pizzas - revamp your old classic pizza recipe with a few Mexican twists for a healthier party appetizer or snack!
Easy Guacamole Dip Mexican Style is avocado based delicious Mexican dip that pairs with pita chips or nachos to form a perfect appetizer.
If you're looking for a flavorful meal that combines Mexican cuisine with comfort food, then look no further than this delicious Mexican Tater Tot Casserole recipe!
Light, fluffy, and flavorful Mexican rice that will rival your local Mexican restaurant!
This Mexican-inspired cornbread is both effortless and incredibly tasty, made with a blend of cornmeal, flour, cheddar cheese, green onions, and jalapenos.
Tres Leches is one of the popular traditional Mexican desserts been enjoyed throughout Mexico .
Karina's gluten-free enchilada casserole- layered chicken enchiladas New Mexican style with green chiles.
Hot Chocolate is a delicious and popular drink, especially in the cold seasons.
Last nights dinner (and the night before's dinner and today's lunch.
Pork butt or shoulder rubbed with a delicious homemade blend of spices, stuffed with garlic, and drizzled with lime juice then slow cooked until tender and juicy.
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