Yellow squash, red tomatoes, black olives in this colorful salad.
Many, many years ago, in a land far, far away a wise elder told me that it is important to learn one new thing each day.
Pasta with an easy, no-cook sauce of fresh tomatoes, green olives, garlic and lots of fresh herbs.
Pasta Salad, Niçoise Style, with Tuna, Green Beans, Olives, Eggs and Tomatoes
I took Emma to the vet today; nothing important, just the annual jabs.
Greek yogurt makes a creamy dressing reminiscent of the old favorite 'Ranch' but without all the unpronounceable stuff.
Tomato, Chard Gratin, and easy grating topped with sliced tomatoes and cheese
Mission accomplished! The tiles are selected and ordered for our new bathroom.
Got tomatoes? Most of us can happily eat supermarket cabbages or broccoli, are ecstatic with farmer’s market green beans and zucchini, and are thrilled to see a local pick-up truck selling just picked (that morning) sweet corn.
Like the dreaded green garden monsters lurking under the giant leaves (zucchini), tomatoes can go from “Are they ever going to be ripe enough to eat?” to “What am I going to do with them all!” in what seems to be, a matter of seconds.
I prefer to make this with cherry or grape tomatoes (from my garden) but any, fresh, vine-ripened tomato will work.
A quick and easy skillet dinner of Lamb, Asparagus, Snow Peas, Green Garlic and Cherry Tomatoes over large Couscous
Sausage Pizza with Caramelized Shallots, Tomatoes, Olives and Mozzarella