The 10 minute project from hell: It was simple.
Last week, during our cool, rainy spell, I was in search of winter comfort food.
I’ve been waiting months for the weather to be warm enough, dry enough and nice enough to get outside.
It was a sunny, fairly warm day today and I spent it working outside.
I’m pleased to report there has been visible progress made in the last week.
Yes, I know that half the world is still enjoying summer – but it’s the end of summer and soup is a wonderful way of preserving all those beautiful summer and fall vegetables.
Now that all of the summer squash is either safely tucked into my freezer or the compost pile, it’s time to tackle the winter squash.
Time to make Courgette (Zucchini) Soup! Too hot, you say? Not in the mood for soup? Allow me to explain.
Herbs are, at least for me, a crucial component of summer’s bounty.
I’m starting to feel like the ant when I would really like to spend some time as the grasshopper! I know it’s important to get ready for winter, but it’s hard to be doing firewood when it’s a hot, sunny summer afternoon.
I have so many house photos to post I decided to break with tradition and do the recipe first – for those who just come by for the food.
Mushroom and Butternut Squash Risotto
Mangetout (Snow Peas) and Carrots Warning: Gross overstatements and insults to most nationalities follow.