Cooking with Barry & Meta
Baked/roasted new potatoes accompanied this year’s corned beef and cabbage.
Yesterday was one of those days – a couple of morning meetings and then one in late afternoon when I’d normally be preparing dinner.
All aboard the Abilene & Smoky Valley (A&SV) dinner train for a taste of Kansas history, a sampling of adventure and nostalgia from a bygone.
Chockfull of steak, ground beef and vegetables, this thick soup is hearty and filling.
Hearty and creamy, this chicken taco soup recipe is packed with delicious layers of flavor.
Chockful of grains and seeds, the bread also includes whole wheat flour that creates a hearty, nutritious and delicious loaf.
Garden grown spicy jalapeno peppers are stuffed with a rich cheese and bacon-studded filling, and then finished with crispy seasoned panko.
Mom used to make Cowboy Beans for covered dish dinners and they were so good.
Similar to a lasagna rolls but with thin strips of zucchini taking the place of pasta.
Urban and Small-Town Getaways is the theme of the latest issue of KANSAS! magazine (2024 / vol 80 / issue 4 / pp 22-26) and my Taste articl.
Snap, crackle and pop! Chef Ali’s version of Rice Krispie Treats seemed just the thing to celebrate Independence Day.
Ritz (butter) crackers, along with ground beef (ours was Midwest Meats in Abilene) form the basis for this tasty meatloaf.
As we entered her room, Virginia Hoffman (soon to be 102) asked, “Do you remember LeSueur Pea Salad?” It seems that after a sparse meal of b.
The latest issue of KANSAS! ( 2024 / vol 80 / issue 2 ) has been released; the Taste section focuses on food policies during the Eisenho.
Risotto is defined as an Italian dish of rice (traditionally arborio) cooked in stock with other ingredients such as meat and vegetables.