Cooking with Barry & Meta
While making a chef salad the other evening, I suddenly thought of this salad.
This is our favorite supper (or lunchtime) salad; it has been on our summer menu since the 1970s.
According to Cuisine a tHome magazine (Issue 83, October 2010), “These humble, little legumes have been around for nearly 10,000 yea.
Mentioned in a previous post that quinoa could be interchanged with pasta or rice and that it was quite versatile It takes center st.
Barry recently handed me a seasonal article on the benefits of split peas.
Thoughts on Meatloaf Wish I had Barry’s mother’s recipe for meatloaf.
It’s almost too simple to post! Actually it’s not even a recipe but Barry’s brainstorm! He simply cut an avocado in half (the long way), rem.
Barry adds more liquid to his chili (than I do) giving it more of a thickened soup-like consistency.
While in KC this past weekend we bought all sorts of fall veggies from a farm stand.
One of the best things about Thanksgiving (besides the initial dinner plus the gathering of family and friends) is the leftovers.
Dress up your holiday salad greens with fruit and sugared nuts, then drizzle with a sweet but tangy dressing.
Just home from the grocery store where I purchased a can of black-eyed peas as I figured we needed as much good luck as possible for.
January is the perfect time for comfort food and soup reigns high in my estimation.
Served with a green salad, this is a complete and comforting meal.
A hearty beef soup that’s loaded with nutritious ingredients; great for cold winter nights.
Not only does it look good, it tastes fantastic! And, Barry even wrote down the recipe!!! Jokingly (at least I took it that .
Our quest for the “best” meatloaf may be over! We really liked the Glazed Meatloaf that I posted last fall.