Sharing a collection of recipes, some cooking tips and useful hints.
CAULIFLOWER STIR FRY In most Indian homes, cauliflower (called Gobhi in Hindi and Hookosu in Kannada) is used quite frequently as it is a f.
RAVA POMFRET FRY Although we are largely vegetarian at home, once in a while we enjoy eating seafood, mainly fish and prawns.
BATANI SAAGU The winter months brings out one of our favourite veggies- namely, Green Peas.
MATTI GULLA HULI Matti Gulla is a special type of brinjal available in the Udupi area of my Home State of Karnataka.
MANGALOREAN FISH CURRY We have become recent fans of Food Lovers TV the Kripal Amanna show and I wanted to try out one of his demonstrate.
DRUMSTICK LEAVES KUZHAMBU Drumsticks or Moringa as they are also called, have numerous health benefits too.
HAYAGREEVA MADDI All over India, if not in many parts of the world, people talk about the Udupi cuisine, a town in my Home State of Karnata.
GREEN PEAS MASALA Fresh Green Peas are generally available during the winter months.
TAWA PANEER Wherever you travel in India, you will find that paneer ( Indian Cottage Cheese) is frequently used in Indian vegetarian cooki.
FRENCH BEANS DRY CURRY French Beans are commonly available all through the year.
BENDEKAYI KAYIRASA Lady's Fingers, a vegetable commonly available in India, is known as Bendekayi in Kannada.
FLAT BEANS STIR FRY In today's recipe from my Home State of Karnataka, we use Flat Beans also called Broad Beans.
NELLIKAI GOJJU I make it a point to buy whatever fruits and veggies are available in a particular season.
SPICY FISH FRY If, like us, you enjoy eating fish, you can be happy to know that fish are strong in protein and Vitamin D.
AVARAKKAI KUZHAMBU One variety of beans that are commonly available in the winter months in Bengaluru where we live is Flat Beans, also know.
TOMATO SAARU We use tomatoes in so many dishes in our Indian cooking, be it from the South or the North of India.