Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Quiche made with Kalamata olives, roasted peppers, feta, dried tomatoes, puffed garlic, Greek yogurt and seasoned with thyme and oregano.
Because the soup is so rich in nutrients and vitamins, this soup is mainly eaten during Ramadan.
A delicious and rich dish with legumes in the lead and full of Mediterranean flavors .
I learned this dish in Kalambaka, the village at the foot of Meteora, Greece.
Clams, or "chirlas", can be found on every menu of the beach restaurants (= chiringuitos) in the south and preferably with garlic, parsley and white wine .
Torrija is a sweet bread dish made from slices of bread soaked in flavored milk and rolled in egg.
A fresh green lukewarm salad of green vegetables with a creamy Burrata cheese, nuts and seeds mixture, finished with a parsley pesto.
We know goji berries as a "superfood" and are mainly eaten at breakfast together with fruit and yogurt.
Fregola is a type of pasta that absorbs flavors very well, so it is ideal for processing with other vegetables / fruit.
A typical dish from Catalonia are the "calçots" (= spring onions) with Romesco sauce.
A colorful and tasty dish that you can serve as a starter with a piece of flat bread or toast.
Surprisingly delicious, full of flavor and very refreshing during the warmer summer months
Are you looking at a recipe for a delicious festive appetizer? But you don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen? You will have guaranteed success with these scallops.
Pittige rode linzen tajine met zoete pompoen, spinazie, gember en kokosmelk.