Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Sweet young carrots prepared with spicy ginger are a perfect side dish with poultry or on your vegetarian party table.
A festively fresh and delicious starter with a dressing of honey and grain mustard.
Minestrone, originally an Italian meal soup, is actually a spring soup, but this soup full of vitamins can certainly taste good during the winter months.
A delicious and special dessert consisting of layers of cake, fruit and yogurt.
Combine delicious savory waffles with vegetables, you will surprise everyone and you can vary endlessly with flavors.
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A delicious dish! I combine this, for example with eggplants "Ras el Hanout" or with tabouleh to create a full meal.
If you add many and varied vegetables than this oven baked cod dish is a complete meal.
Do you recognize it too? You just ate those tasty asparagus and an hour later your urine has a pungent smell?
Avocado, some tips and facts about one of the most important foods in the Mediterranean diet
Pizza Romesco, a dip based on tomato, hazelnuts and "ñoras", in combination with spicy crispy spring onions and feta.
A mixture of Chanterelles and Enoki mushrooms, fried with parsley and garlic on a toast with avocado and an egg yolk to finish it.
A nutritious and warming soup starring lentils, a source of iron, magnesium, fiber and so much more.
Prickly pears are sweet fruits with small seeds and give your dish a special exotic touch.
Quinoa are nutritious seeds with a nutty taste that you can use perfectly in many dishes, like salads, breakfast,.
Stuffed mushrooms on your tapas plate or as an appetizer are so popular that I often prepare them for my guests.
Thin slices of sweet tomato with anchovies and red onion, topped with delicious olive oil.
Ginger - orange cocktail, in combination with the fresh touch of anise and spicy thyme, this is absolutelt winner for your party.