Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Creamy, soft and fluffy muffins, filled with blueberries and with the full flavor of Greek yogurt and a fresh touch of lime.
A delicious risotto that you can serve as a single dish or in combination with a fresh piece of white fish.
Eggs, zucchini and lemon seem a strange combination but believe me, once you have made this tortilla it will certainly come on the table more often.
When on Saturday work has to be done in the garden or we are busy all morning, the recipes for a quick but healthy lunch are more than welcome.
This parsley bread is so easy to make and also much healthier than the crackers you buy.
A healthy savory pancake lunch based on buckwheat and arugula, filled with smoked salmon and a fresh basil yogurt .
With just a few ingredients you can make this delicious savory pie within an hour.
A nice red colored salad of marinated red cabbage with beetroot and Mozarella, a real health bomb.
By adding the avocado, the soup gets a delicious creamy texture and flavor.
I am not a big fan of pizza and if we eat one I prefer to prepare it with a lot of vegetables.
That you can also make tasty desserts with tofu is probably a surprise for many .
A tabbouleh is normally made of bulgur, but I think this variety is so colourful and tasty.
A very simple recipe that you easily can prepare during the week.