Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking2,539 recipes

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All recipes from "Meal" - page 107

Stuffed Zucchini, and mad ramblings on the Glorious Twelfth!

Stuffed Zucchini, and mad ramblings on the Glorious Twelfth!

Go directly to recipe Lisa, at Champaign Taste recently quoted one of my favorite Minnesotans, Garrison Keillor,    "Why do the inhabitants of Lake Wobegon lock their cars in the month of August? So their neighbors won't leave bags of zucchini on the.

Pasta with Lentils and Avocado Sauce....and lots of stairs

Pasta with Lentils and Avocado Sauce....and lots of stairs

Lentil and Sausage Pasta with Avocado Sauce garnished with zucchini

Melted Cheese....Potatotoes Savoyard

Melted Cheese....Potatotoes Savoyard

What is it about melted cheese that we seem to so love? Grilled cheese sandwiches; mac & cheese; cheese fondue; cheeseburgers; cheese sauces.

In Praise of the Potato: the Misunderstood Tuber

In Praise of the Potato: the Misunderstood Tuber

Go directly to recipe It's time for Weekend Herb Blogging!  This week is hosted by Anh of Food Lover's Journey.

Coq au Vin and the Chocolate Secret - Weekend Herb Blogging

Coq au Vin and the Chocolate Secret - Weekend Herb Blogging

Chocolate doesn't really qualify as an herb: green, leafy part of a plant or shrub; but I do think it would qualify as a spice: dried seed, fruit or bark, usually ground.

Eating: A Full Sensory Experience

Eating: A Full Sensory Experience

We normally think that taste and smell are the most important components of enjoying our food.

Pork Chops with Beer and Thyme

Pork Chops with Beer and Thyme

Weekend Herb Blogging is being hosted by Anna from Morsels & Musings this week.

An Ode to Winter Cooking

An Ode to Winter Cooking

Go directly to recipe We do two types of cooking at our house.

The Grass is always Greener

The Grass is always Greener

Go directly to recipe When we lived in Ireland mon mari used to get our smoked salmon for us.

Tired of Rice? Try Quinoa... Weekend Herb Blogging!

Tired of Rice? Try Quinoa... Weekend Herb Blogging!

Go directly to recipe Our brief fling with spring is over and winter has returned to our little corner of the world.

Artichokes: The Other 'A' Vegetable

Artichokes: The Other 'A' Vegetable

Go directly to recipe Alcachofas.

Courgette Timbales - yet another zucchini recipe!

Courgette Timbales - yet another zucchini recipe!

I was complaining about the continuing abundance of my garden yesterday when I was talking to my mother.

Market v Potager - The Season's Bounty

Market v Potager - The Season's Bounty

Every day I read other food blogs.

The fall harvest....and Pizza!

The fall harvest....and Pizza!

The zucchini (courgette) have finally slowed down (and a lot more have gone on the compost pile) and the green beans are tapering off.

The Herb Garden: Preserving the Food; Avoiding the Bugs

The Herb Garden: Preserving the Food; Avoiding the Bugs

Important lesson:  always wash the basil before using….

Tomato Glut: What to do When the Compost Pile is Full

Tomato Glut: What to do When the Compost Pile is Full

I've made salad, sauce, soup, salsa and juice.

Potatoes a la 'Two Fat Ladies'

Potatoes a la 'Two Fat Ladies'

There is often a question asked of celebrity chefs "What 3 people would you like to have to dinner?"  If I could conjure 2 people to come and take over my kitchen it would be the 'Two Fat Ladies'.

Eaters and Feeders and Spanish Eggs

Eaters and Feeders and Spanish Eggs

Julia Child once said that the world could be divided into eaters (Those who truly love food: start to think about dinner as they put the fork down for the final time at lunch; relish every morsel; embrace new flavors; search out interesting, untried.

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