Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Barley with Chives Why do I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff? I've been cleaning my office; attempting to downsize (I rather hate that word, but it's useful).
Zucchini, Tomato and Mozzarella Stacks Summer has arrived, finally, here in the Vendée.
What would you like? Soup? Salad? Hot? Cold? You'll find it here.
I was reading one of my favorite cooking magazines the other night when the title of an article jumped out and slapped me in the head.
Avocado, Feta and Spinach Salad Whew, that’s a long title….
Spinach and Red Pepper Salad Mon mari's been packing….
Shrimp on Avocado Cream We interrupt the regular scheduled blogging to bring this plea for assistance: I need help.
Oriental Zucchini and Brown Rice Salad Are you a plural purchaser? Do you buy in bunches? Amass in multiples? If you see a gorgeous sweater that comes in seven colors, do you buy three? Or four? Then pat yourself on the back for the great restraint.
Pasta Salad with Warm Goat Cheese Are you a lark or an owl? A morning person or a night person? I had a roommate once who actually had the audacity to get out of bed at the crack of dawn and sing.
It’s time for the Weekend Herb Blogging recap! Started by Kalyn, of Kalyn’s Kitchen almost 2 1/2 years ago it has been a continuous success.
“I learned the truth at seventeen, ……… “And those who’s names were never called When choosing sides for basketball” Janis Ian Well I can’t say that my name was never called….
Shrimp in Green Sauce I once had a book called "101 Uses for a Dead Cat".