Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Remember the bunny Sedi, the slayer killed awhile back? When we were out wandering for our walk today Emma found it and, before I could stop her, she ate it.
Go directly to recipe It’s Summer (almost)! Paul, over at Writing at the Kitchen Table is have a Big Burger Ballyhoo to celebrate the season.
Living in the land of foie gras we have duck breast readily available (they have to do something with the rest of the duck, after all!).
Go directly to recipe I was gone for two weeks.
First, some housekeeping: My ADSL line is, once again functioning.
Go directly to recipe A friend in Andorra once told me that the key to finding good produce at the local markets was to look for slugs.
I have been asked so often about my garden I've decided to describe it here where, those who care, may find it whenever and forever.
Go directly to recipe Two people + one head of cabbage = plea for creativity.
Go directly to recipe It's time for Weekend Herb Blogging, that ode to herbaceous edibles started by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen! This week is being hosted by the wonderful Ulrike of Kuchenlatein (the same lovely lady that sent me all the homemade dandelion.
Go directly to recipe It is well established in the Herb Blogging community that I do not have the cilantro gene.
As I’m happily enjoying lots of fresh lettuce from my garden and early summer produce from the markets it has been pointed out on another blog that not everyone on this planet is enjoying the same season.
Go directly to recipe Taupe It's a rather boring color with a bit of a chichi reputation.
Go directly to recipe Waterlife: the theme for this month's "Heart of the Matter", promoting healthy eating for a healthy life.
Go directly to recipe It's wonderful having a handy husband! If I want an odd shaped bookshelf or a curio cabinet to perfectly fit a certain spot all I have to do is ask.
Go directly to recipe The last year we lived in Minneapolis was the first year of our first retirement, albeit we were far too young.
Go directly to recipe "Do you always cut your beans that way?" my mother asked.
Go directly to recipe One of the guys I played golf with in Andorra was Spanish.
Go directly to recipe I have a book called "How To Repair Food" It's a well-written little book full of mostly useful and often humorous kitchen tips.
Go directly to recipe Mon mari et moi agree on a lot of things; we disagree on fewer things and on the rest we agree to disagree.