Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Go directly to recipe It's September and it's starting.
Go directly to recipe There are 2 kinds of people in this world: Those of you who are always prepared, had your homework done before you played and are always early for appointments.
Go directly to recipe You've heard about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac? He lay awake all night pondering the existence of dog.
Go directly to recipe Our wine has finally gotten off its lazy metaphorical ass and started working.
Mike, from Mike’s Table asked me a simple question: What kind of wine am I making? Naturally my mind has been pondering the art of answering questions all morning.
Go directly to recipe Living in other countries has taught me that, while there in an underlying humanism that binds us all together, it's the little things that can be so befuddling, particularly to the novice traveler! Something as simple as daily.
It’s been cool in the evenings this past week, cool enough to start having fires again.
Go directly to recipe There was a 'M*A*S*H' episode in which all of the characters were asked what books they had brought with them.
Go directly to recipe Country Girl City Living has been teasing us with the scent of "the most delicious chicken paprikash known to man", which started me reminiscing about our stay in Budapest and my lovely "Blue Fountain Flutes".
Go directly to recipe Something slipped passed my lips last night that I thought I would never again hear me utter.
Go directly to recipe I was a scrawny, scaredy, weakling as a child; flunked first year swimming twice because I was scared to put my face in the water (well, it was the 'Muddy Mississippi', can you blame me?) and always last choice on the softball team.
I love it when I spend two solid days working at my computer and accomplish absolutely nothing.
Go directly to recipe Christmas Cookies.
Go directly to recipe Gattina, of Kitchen Unplugged, and who is now living in my other favorite city, Barcelona, has tagged me for the "Four" Meme.
Go directly to recipe The theme of this month's Heart of the Matter, hosted by Michelle of The Accidental Scientist, is Holiday Foods.
Go directly to recipe Get out of the way you stupid cows! I can't see a thing! Move! I said Moooooove! I have no idea why there are brown cows in this herd.
Go directly to recipe First: Those of you who keep fruit bowls on the counter take note: today I learned that you cannot put kiwifruit and clementines in the same bowl.
Remember the bunny Sedi, the slayer killed awhile back? When we were out wandering for our walk today Emma found it and, before I could stop her, she ate it.
Go directly to recipe It’s Summer (almost)! Paul, over at Writing at the Kitchen Table is have a Big Burger Ballyhoo to celebrate the season.