Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Spicy tomato sauce coating poached eggs is a wonderful, warming vegetarian dish for anytime.
Smoked Salmon is healthy, delicious, a treat for a first course and handy to have on hand to make a main course pasta or risotto.
This is a simple sauce with lots of flavors from pantry and fridge.
We often grill extra steak just so we can make this salad - but the complete recipe, including marinade is here.
If you get sushi-grade tuna you will definitely want to have this rare (it has to be graded to a higher standard so it is okay to eat raw).
I was thinning my purple and green basil and decided the sprouts would be great in a salad.
Boneless pork chops cook quickly so be careful not to over cook or they will be dry.
Some busy prep work (not too much) than a 30 minute break while it bakes for a savory one-dish dinner.
I used leftover pork from a pork roast but everything else was cooked for this dish.
Slow Cooker Pork Chops with Onions, Horseradish, finished with Greek yogurt for a creamy sauce
Shrimp Creole, served over fluffy Basmati Rice, and easy main course in just 35 minutes
Sausage, Potato, and Goat Cheese Salad, an easy main course salad.
“007 outed in Facebook!” A question: Must one have intelligence to be in intelligence? Answer: Apparently not! The wife of the new chief of MI6 – that’s Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, just blew his cover on Facebook… Posting photos of their house,.