DRUMSTICK, BRINJAL & MOONG DAL CURRY In Konkani and Maharashtrian cuisine, we often use Drumsticks which are a good source of calcium, ir.
CARROT AND BEANS CURRY Today's recipe uses two common vegetables, namely carrots and French Beans cooked in a masala made with coconut, p.
PODI CAPSICUM CURRY We are fond of capsicum (better known as bell pepper in North America) and I make this fairly often.
AMBE UPKARI In Konkani, mangoes are called, "Ambo" so today's dish is of a sweet-tangy curry made with mangoes, called, "Ambe Upkari.
DRUMSTICK TOMATO CURRY I make dishes using drumsticks (Mashingasaang in Konkani, Muringakkai in Tamil and Nuggekai in Kannada) quite ofte.
GREEN PEAS MASALA CURRY Fresh Green Peas are generally available during the winter months but these days you get frozen peas all through .
YELLOW PUMPKIN DRY CURRY Have you come across people who now eat all vegetables which they hated as kids? My husband is one such.
NADAN TOMATO CURRY My mother's family hailed from present day Kozhikode, in the Southern State of Kerala.
CAPSICUM MASALA CURRY Capsicum (more commonly called Bellpepper in the US) is a popular vegetable in different parts of India.
RAW BANANA MASALA CURRY In my house, I make it a point to make dishes using Raw Bananas, also known as Green Bananas, from time to time.
MUSHROOM CURRY ANDHRA STYLE I use Button Mushrooms in dishes made for lunch or dinner from time to time as they have numerous health bene.
DOUBLE BEANS CURRY These days in India double beans (also called Broad Field Beans) are available in plenty as it is most commonly found .
ASH GOURD COCONUT CURRY My husband used to hate some vegetables like pumpkins, ash gourd etc in his youth and childhood.
PUMPKIN SESAME CURRY Pumpkin is one of those vegetables that have inherent health benefits.
TOMATO ONION CURRY The tomato has to be one of the most common yet popular vegetables.
CAPSICUM CURRY A commonly available vegetable in India is the Capsicum, which is called Bellpepper in the United States.
VAZHAKKAI DRY CURRY In my house, I make it a point to make dishes using raw/green bananas from time to time.
GOAN FISH CURRY Before I got married, we were strict vegetarians in my parents' house.
KAKARAKAYA PULUSU (BITTER GOURD CURRY) Bitter gourd is frequently used in my cooking at home .