Cooking with Barry & Meta
Out of the Oven —Two cookies on the left have been turned over to show bottom browning.
Growing up on the farm, my mother always cooked green beans with bacon or ham, covered in water, for a long time! This was the way e.
Our niece Erin arrived in Kansas last week to attend the Excite Camp (focus on high school girls in engineering, science, technology.
While Erin is here we’ve been checking out all those things I’ve been pinning on Pinterest, and that’s where the inspiration for.
These are essentially Sloppy Joes and my mom, Phyllis Newell, has been making them since I was in grade school.
After removing the jars from the canner, they are placed on a cooling rack.
Edible chocolate bowls seemed to be the perfect base to the S’more Sundaes that niece Erin and I wanted to make.
A yummy Sunday brunch is a great way to start any month and Beef Breakfast Pizza Olé was a bang-up dish for July! And, we’ve cer.
Lean, healthy and packed with protein, this beef stir-fry was one of the recipes suggested when Barry completed the Kansas Beef Coun.
There was extra milk and a pound of sausage so it goes without saying that sausage gravy quickly came to mind.
Thought it fitting to serve Tomato Okra Casserole in one of Barry's handmade casseroles.
Barry mixes up a large batch of pasta salad People used to ask for this recipe when I was catering.
Some of the pickles that Chris & Phoennix canned last year! 300 + quart jars of pickles — it’s true and we even have the pictu.
I decorated the cake w/ an orange peel rose (made by cutting a continuous thin strip of peel from an orange; the peel was then rolled u.