Sharing a collection of recipes, some cooking tips and useful hints.
MUSHROOM PEAS & SPRING ONION CURRY At our home, we make dishes from mushrooms quite often as they are considered good for health in many.
PALAK CORN SUBZI Amongst vegetarians in India, palak ( spinach) is popular in most households particularly since it is rich in iron and h.
SPROUTED METHI SEEDS SUBZI From time to time I make dishes using fenugreek ("methi " in Hindi) leaves.
FRESH TOMATO SALSA When entertaining guests recently, I served as starters fresh tomato salsa, made by me at home, with store-bought t.
BEETROOT PEDE: GUEST POST BY KANWALJEET CHHABRA From time to time, I invite friends to contribute recipes to my blog by way of guest po.
CRISPY CHILLI BABY CORN I am always on the look out for recipes for starters, as they set the tone for a dinner as it were.
PANEER PULAO In India, we make a wide variety of pulaos which are usually made with Basmati rice.
BHINDI SHENGDANA "Bhindi" and "Shengdana" are the Marathi words for Lady's Fingers (Okra) and Groundnuts (Peanuts) respectively hence the.
CARROT METHI PACHADI Today's recipe made of Carrots and Fenugreek Leaves (Methi Leaves) along with lentils and spices is from the State .
TOMATO & PANEER SOUP As we head into the winter, I make soups more often as they are healthy and nutritious.
PANEER PARATHA Whether you have them for breakfast, lunch or dinner, parathas ( also called paranthas) are tasty and filling.
OUR DINING EXPERIENCE: BARBECUE NATION If you want to eat at Barbecue Junction , even on a week day, please make a booking.
ALOO POSTO This popular Bengali dish was pointed out to me by my friend, Vidya Pai (who has lived for long in West Bengal) in a food grou.
KHUMB MASALA From time to time, I make dishes using Button Mushrooms as they are said to be especially strong on antioxidants.
VEGETABLE KURMA Vegetable Kurmas are a common accompaniment for chapatis, puris, parottas etc in the South of India.
KAALI THORI SUKKE This dish derives its name from the main ingredient, "Kaali Thori" which is the Konkani word for Whole Black Pigeon Pea.
SCHEZWAN GOBHI MATAR Gobhi Matar, a vegetarian dish made of cauliflower (phoolgobhi ) and green peas (matar) is an old favourite in m.
KELE (RAW BANANA) KODDEL In our Konkani GSB cuisine, a "koddel" is a spicy coconut-based curry made with vegetables or pulses.