
Nutriplanet417 recipes

Simple and delicious whole food plant-based recipes with no oil or refined sugar. Practical tips on transitioning to plant-based lifestyle. Balanced meal plans.

Cooking recipes from "Nutriplanet" - page 11

Basic Sourdough Recipe [Gluten-Free]

Basic Sourdough Recipe [Gluten-Free]

This basic buckwheat sourdough recipe is different from all the others out there! More precisely, it’s super easy and does NOT include starter.

The Best Soft Gingerbread Cookies [Gluten-Free]

The Best Soft Gingerbread Cookies [Gluten-Free]

Here’s the best chewy and soft gingerbread cookies recipe that makes your house smell of holiday flavors.

Basic Indian Spice Mix for Everyday Cooking

Basic Indian Spice Mix for Everyday Cooking

Here’s an aromatic mix of dry-roasted and ground Indian spices ready to be used in soups, stews, curries, rice dishes or even sprinkled on top of salads.

Chocolaty Vegan Sourdough Pancakes [Gluten-Free]

Chocolaty Vegan Sourdough Pancakes [Gluten-Free]

You’ll love this chocolaty recipe if you’re into vegan gluten-free pancakes made with sourdough.

Back to School Lunch Boxes – How and What to Pack

Back to School Lunch Boxes – How and What to Pack

Learn what and how to pack into back to school lunch boxes.

Kaneeli rabarberi muffinid

Kaneeli rabarberi muffinid

Need vegan kaneeli rabarberi muffinid on täiuslik hommikusöök või kerge suupiste, mida saate pärastlõunal koos teega nautida.

Vegan Candida Diet Meal Planning

Vegan Candida Diet Meal Planning

Tips and guidelines to compile vegan Candida diet meal plans, which can be overwhelming and tricky, if you're not sure about what and how much to eat.

What I Eat in a Day on Vegan Candida Diet, Video

What I Eat in a Day on Vegan Candida Diet, Video

Watch in 1-minute video which Candida diet recipes are included every day on my whole food vegan Candida diet.

My Experience and Results After 11 Months on Vegan Candida Diet

My Experience and Results After 11 Months on Vegan Candida Diet

My personal experience and results after being on vegan Candida diet for 11 months, including die-off symptoms and reintroduction of foods.

Vegan Candida Diet – Living Candida Free After The Cleanse

Vegan Candida Diet – Living Candida Free After The Cleanse

The principles and practical tips on living Candida free on vegan diet after the cleanse is finished and symptoms have withdrawn.

Toitev kõrvitsa-läätse risotto

Toitev kõrvitsa-läätse risotto

Kõrvitsa-läätse risotto on täisväärtuslik taimne toidukord, mis täidab kõhu ja paitab maitsemeeli.

Vürtsikas maapähklivõi-ploomi brownie [õli- ja suhkruvaba]

Vürtsikas maapähklivõi-ploomi brownie [õli- ja suhkruvaba]

Mõnusalt mahlane ja imemaitsev maapähklivõi-ploomi brownie, mis jätab kööki veel kauaks sügisesed aroomid hõljuma.

9 lihtsat viisi kodu puhastamiseks keemiavabalt

9 lihtsat viisi kodu puhastamiseks keemiavabalt

Keep your home toxin-free and clean your dishes, surfaces, and do laundry naturally without chemicals.

19 looduslikku köha leevendajat

19 looduslikku köha leevendajat

Cough can be disrupting, irritating and painful.

10 põhjust lapacho tee joomiseks

10 põhjust lapacho tee joomiseks

Lapacho tea does not contain caffeine, and it is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help maintain health and vitality.

Taimne indiapärane dal hirsi ja läätsedega

Taimne indiapärane dal hirsi ja läätsedega

Maitsev ja kõhtu täitev õlivaba taimne dal hirsi ning beluga läätsedega, mille valmistamine võtab vaid 30 minutit.

Kombineeri toite õigesti!

Kombineeri toite õigesti!

Combining the right foods is one of the most important things when it comes to eating the healthy way and feeling good.

Taevalik india pähkli juustukook

Taevalik india pähkli juustukook

Teavalikult suussulav vegan india pähkli juustukook, mis paneb haarama ka teise tüki järele.

Minu igapäevane menüü

Minu igapäevane menüü

Paljud imestavad, kuidas ma saan nii palju süüa ja sealjuures nii sale olla.

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